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Media Features

Media Features: Projects

CISE Article

“The engineering program is special because it is student-based, and you get to form the path that you want,” Maltese explains. Sadel adds, “We are all so excited about this project. A lot of hard work has gone into this, and we are looking forward to April’s launch.”

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Breeze Article

“They were really interested in pushing this forward as a capstone project,” Holland said. “You can’t say no to students that are that eager, who really had a lot of stuff lined up and a lot of ambition to move it forward.”


Innovation at JMU Article

“We’re going to be fabricating the rocket ourselves and testing it and doing all the analysis,” Maltese says. “It’s very immersive and hands-on, I would say.”


WMRA and WEMC Radio Story

"In a fabrication lab in JMU's engineering department, nine students cluster around a purple-and-gold rocket made to climb a mile into the air."

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WHSV3 News Story

“What got us into it is how we were all interested in aerospace and rockets and wanted to work towards building something,”
-Brandon Carroll

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